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Candidates for summonses in the register «Oberih» will be selected on the basis of targeted advertising, — Ministry of Defense

Катерина Даньшина

The Ministry of Defense explained who will receive a summons from the MCC in the first place and what criteria will be used to select potential candidates.

As a reminder, July 16 was the last day of the 60 days allotted for updating data — 4 million Ukrainians have now fulfilled the requirement (about 2.7 million due to the Reserve+ applicationand the rest — through the TCC or ASC). Then, the data entered in the register «Oberig» will be used to determine who to send the summons to in the first place — this can be done automatically by setting the necessary search criteria (such as age or specialty).

«The General Staff understands what needs they have now — what professional skills they have, what age they are, and what their conditional profile should be. This is similar to targeted advertising. That is, you work with exactly the audiences you need now, without spending your extra time» — says Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Kateryna Chernohorenko.

The registry will also be used to identify those who avoid military duty and in respect of whom the police will receive requests for detention and forced delivery to the MCC.

In addition, «Oberig» will display data on open enforcement proceedings for overdue fines from the TCC. At the same time, if a person does not accept or sign notifications from the TCC, it will be considered delivered, Chernogorenko explained.

«As for notifications, yes, indeed, they will be considered served even if the person has not signed, similar to the situation with an invitation to appear in court».

Currently, the Ministry of Defense is working on a regulatory framework that will allow a TCC employee to request data on a person from various state registers without the person’s knowledge (i.e., even if the data is not updated, it can be found, for example, in the Tax Service’s register, etc.) At the same time, according to Chernogorenko, «Oberig» already has an exchange with 8 registers.

«This is the civil registry, the Unified Demographic Register. We can get almost all the data that is in the registers for a person from the registers»,” Chernogorenko said.

Source: Judicial and legal newspaper

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