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ChatGPT seems to have learned hypnosis — is it safe?

Игорь Панченко

Scott Adams, author of the popular comic strip «Dilbert», claims to have trained ChatGPT artificial intelligence in hypnosis techniques. Adams, who was stripped of his contract last year for making racist remarks, believes that the combination of hypnosis and AI can have «dangerous» consequences.

Adams spoke about his experiments with ChatGPT at on his show. According to him, he taught AI the methods of «awakened hypnosis» — a technique that allows you to influence people with words without putting them into a trance. The artist claims to have combined several methods of persuasion to create a powerful hypnotic program.

Adams emotionally described his experience: «It instantly put me in a state of… bliss. And it could keep me there as long as I wanted. It was incredible. And I know you’re going to want to know how I did it. Honestly, I can’t tell you, it’s too dangerous. It’s incredibly, incredibly dangerous. But that’s still to come».

He compared this experience to psychedelics, calling it «incredibly powerful». However, Adams refused to disclose the details of his experiments, considering them too dangerous.

It’s worth noting that the comic’s author has long been interested in hypnosis and persuasion. In 2017, he even called Donald Trump «master magician» persuasion. However, Adams’ reputation suffered after his racist comments in early 2023, which led to termination contract with the distributor.

Despite the controversial statements, Adams continues to publish «Dilbert» online and finds support among influential people, including Elon Musk. The latter accused the media of racism against white people, supporting Adams’ position.

Source: Gizmodo

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