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Corporate orgies, LSD, and promotions on OnlyFans: a fake resume received 29 interview invitations

Ігор Шелудченко

Jerry Lee created a fake resume under the fake name Kismma D. Nhuhts Nhuhts with a bunch of absurd points (organizing orgies at the expense of the company, developing new products under the influence of LSD, Mia Khalifa as a programming language, etc.)

Still, he managed to get 29 interview invitations.


In one of his posts, Jerry Lee (ex-Twitter) said that most recruiters spend only 6 seconds reviewing resumes. And describing your experience in detail is not the main thing.

For his experiment, he studied the resumes that receive the most responses. And he came up with a kind of formula for a successful resume.

After that, he sent it to 100 vacancies.

Orgies, LSD, promos with OnlyFans influencers

Jerry’s resume states that he currently works at Instagram as a project manager.

From 2019 to 2022, he allegedly worked at Google as a product manager on the Google Photos team, where he:

  • He organized orgies every Friday at the company’s expense;
  • used Google’s computing resources to mine 15 million Ethereum.

Before Google, he had Amazon on his resume (from 2017 to 2019), where he «worked» as a product manager in the Amazon Dating team. And that’s where he was working:

  • creating promotional campaigns with OnlyFans influencers;
  • managing a team that develops new products under the influence of LSD and mushrooms.

His first work experience was at the DormRoomFund investment fund, where «communicated with rich sugar daddies to raise funds for».

In the section with skins, between Arson and C++, there is a place for porn actress Mia Khalifa.


According to the author, the experiment involved several hacks:

  • a recruiter looks at a resume for about 6 seconds;
  • at first glance, only the first-level headlines and numbers are caught;
  • It does so in an F-shaped pattern.

Jerry shared a few tips on how to get the attention of recruiters. The most important thing is a good template. A bad one reduces the chances of an interview by 30-40%.

https://twitter.com/JerryJHLee/status/1778535340338487675?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow noopener

  • resume should look aesthetically pleasing;
  • 80% of the CV should be marked with numbered dots;
  • the resume should contain brief job titles.
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Ігор Шелудченко
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