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«Evacuation 3» — Chris Hemsworth says action movie threequel «in development»

Вадим Карпусь

In recent months, there have been a lot of rumors about the third installment of the Extraction / «Evacuation» franchise. Last year, lead actor Chris Hemsworth and director Sam Hargrave announced that Tyler Rake would be back on screen to demonstrate even more heroism. This was not surprising after the success of of the second part.

Later, Netflix Film head Scott Stuber and screenwriter and producer Joe Russo started talking about the third part. But the filming of the sequel largely depended on Hemsworth’s schedule. And now he has shed some additional light on the future of «Evacuation 3».

During a recent interview with Collider’s Steve Weintraub, Hemsworth revealed that the wheels are turning, pen is being put to paper, and the cast and crew are gearing up to film the new adventure of mercenary Tyler Reke for the third installment of the franchise:

«I don’t know when we’ll start, but it’s in the works».

It is also noted that filming action movies is quite a dangerous business. Weintraub told about an episode when director Sam Hargrave almost died after his «was blown off a train by a».

Chris Hemsworth also recalled several incidents that could have ended badly for Hargrave:

«Yes, he was also tied to the front of the car that hit another car… And his leg got stuck near the wheel hub. It was a miracle he didn’t break his leg. Anyway, yes, there are several such stories».

Source: collider

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