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Family Squad — a new animated satire from the producers of «Mavka» and the director of «Luxembourg, Luxembourg»

Катерина Даньшина

Animagrad Studio, which produced «Mavka», has teamed up with director Antonio Lukic to create an animated satire «Family Squad», which was announced during the Annecy Animation Festival.

The animated film «Family Squad» tells the story of Sergei Punko — a lonely gas station attendant whose life changes after a mistake by the angel of death sends him to heaven. Sergei is given a second chance at life and must return to Earth to find at least one person who needs him — the gas station attendant sets out to find his father, making friends along the way and saving the life of a child.

Animagrad Studio’s portfolio includes — extremely successful animation «Mavka. Forest song»which was released in 148 countries and grossed over $21 million worldwide. Currently, Film.UA Group, which owns the studio, is developing and «live» movie by «Mavka»

Antony Lukic, known as a film director «Luxembourg, Luxembourg» and «My Thoughts Are Quiet», is serving as a creative producer for the «Family Squad» animation, while Konstantin Fedorov will direct the animated feature under the art direction of Chris Koskinen (both were key members of the «Mavka: The Forest Song» creative team).

Source: Variety

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