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Fantasy vs. depression: study confirms that Dungeons & Dragons improves mental health

Игорь Панченко

A new study has found that playing the popular fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) has a positive effect on the psyche of participants. Scientists from Ireland propose to use this game toas a therapeutic a tool in a comprehensive approach to mental health.

Dungeons & Dragons is a tabletop role-playing game where players create characters and invent stories together in a fantasy world. One of the participants, the Game Master, describes the adventures and controls the world, while other players decide how their characters will act. The game develops imagination, teaches cooperation and problem solving. The dice help determine the success of the characters’ actions, adding an element of chance to the story.

Researchers from University College Cork have studied how D&D supports the psychological state of players. Dr. Conor Linehan, senior author of the study, said: «We found that D&D brings many benefits to players. Although some clinical psychologists already use role-playing games in therapy, mainly in the US, our study shows the potential for wider adoption of such groups in Ireland and globally».

The participants of the study told about positive the impact of escapism in the game on their mental health. They felt a strong sense of control in the game, especially when they did not have it in real life. D&D allows you to players to jointly create and inhabit fictional worlds, which promotes creative expression.

Social support, which receive players, provides emotional and social connection, as well as space for free expression. The collective creation of stories in D&D creates a unique sense of camaraderie and shared experience among participants.

Researchers emphasize the therapeutic potential of D&D, but warn of possible challenges. For example, escapism can be and sensitive topics in the game can be a form of problem avoidance summon discomfort or negative reactions in some players. To reduce these risks, the therapeutic presenter The game developer should carefully select the content of the story and create a supportive and inclusive environment.

Scientists emphasize that D&D is not should replace other forms support, but to considerme as an additional therapy as part of a comprehensive approach to mental health. Further research is needed to study the effectiveness of the game amongst different population groups and in different conditions.

The study was published in International Journal of Role-Playing.

Source: Newatlas

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Игорь Панченко
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