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Google Chrome now automatically searches for «gluttonous» tabs with the ability to close them

Андрій Русанов

The Google Chrome browser has been given the ability to «fix» the problem with tabs that consume a lot of resources. If performance issues are detected, a window with a list of tabs and the «Fix» button will appear.

The «Performance Alert» window disables the most «voracious» tabs to free up resources. The browser identifies the problematic tabs and generates a list. The alert will appear only when the tabs start using a certain percentage of the CPU resource.

The following steps are required to see the window:

  1. Enter in the address bar chrome://flags
  2. Find and enable «Performance intervention UI» and «Enable Performance intervention demo mode»
  3. Restart Chrome
  4. Open chrome://settings > Performance > General and make sure that the option «Performance Issue Alert» is enabled.
  5. Open chrome://discards
  6. Select «Trigger performance CPU intervention».

After clicking the fix button «Fix Now», all resource-intensive tabs will be immediately unloaded. This can be checked in the statuses in chrome://discards under «Loading Status», where they should be marked as «Unloaded».

When the Performance Intervention demo mode checkbox is enabled, CPU thresholds and speed limits are ignored, so the user interface can easily launch this window simply through normal browser activity or through a forced launch in chrome://discards. All suggested active tabs will meet the usual rejection criteria, except for the need to stay in the background for a set minimum time, as described in the checkbox description.

There’s also a Process Per Site feature that combines multiple tabs from one into a single process to improve efficiency. However, it has problems when the process is used by many tabs that require a lot of memory. Currently, Google develops a new automatic method for estimating the memory size of tabs that would prevent these errors. The new mode will set limits so that the site does not take up all the possible memory. currently, the mode does not estimate the memory consumption of iframe content, but the company is working on it.

Source: WindowsReport

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