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«Greens» against electric cars — Tesla Cybertruck doused with paint in Germany

Андрій Русанов

The presentation of the Tesla Cybertruck in Germany was interrupted by vandals who painted an electric pickup truck. But if In the US, Elon Musk’s haters do it, then in Europe, climate activists are «working» instead.

It’s a bit strange that «green» are attacking a company that produces electric cars (although it may be the harm of hungry raccoons), but Tesla has many problems with them in Europe, particularly in Germany. For years, a group of climate activists has been actively trying to stop Tesla’s Gigafactory in Berlin, and recently, they even occupied a forest where Tesla planned to expand the plant.

These activists are so radical that they oppose any personal vehicles, electric or otherwise. But they are after Cybertruck for more specific reasons. Hendrik Fauer, one of the activists, explained them.

«The Cybertruck weighs just under three tons, which means it consumes an absurd amount of energy due to its enormous weight. A senseless waste that we as a society cannot afford. Add to this the sharp design: it is security disaster. The truck perfectly illustrates where the anti-social policies of the last few decades have led us. A few rich people are driving a heavily armored car toward disaster and taking everyone with them».

Tesla seems to have quickly cleaned up its act and resumed promoting electric pickups in Germany. Opponents of «green» say that some people really need pickup trucks, and it’s easier to build one that has as little impact on the environment as possible than to convince people that they need to change their lifestyle. But at the same time, life shows that electricity should be saved, including for environmental reasons.

Source: Electrec

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