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Instagram bloggers can create chatbots to respond to messages from followers

Катерина Даньшина

The next time you message an author on Instagram — know that artificial intelligence can communicate with you.

Meta is gradually deploys AI Studio on Instagram — a set of tools that, among other things, will allow bloggers to create their own AI persona that will respond to requests from followers on their behalf.

Currently, the tool is only available to authors from the United States, but it will be extended to other countries in the future.

According to Meta, artificial intelligence will help solve the long-standing problem of users with a large number of subscribers» who do not have time to respond to everyone every day. The authors will be able to use their own comments, signatures, Reels transcripts, as well as any special instructions or links to make the chatbot «an extension of themselves».

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg suggested that over time, the company’s programs will have «hundreds of millions» AI bots created by authors. However, it is unclear whether Instagram users will be as interested in interacting with AI versions of their favorite creators. Earlier, Meta experimented with chatbots that embodied the images of such celebritiessuch as Snoop Dogg and Kendall Jenner, but the results of the interaction were disappointing.

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