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Juniors are disappearing: fewer and fewer specialists are looking for work in April

Ігор Шелудченко

In April, the share of candidates looking for work decreased: while in the first three months of 2024 their number was at 90 thousand, now it is about 87.5 thousand candidates.

About reported Djinni, an anonymous job search service.

Since April, the number of candidates in the search has been decreasing by 200-400 people every week. That is, we have about -3%.

Candidates with minimal or no experience are the fastest to disappear from the search. Especially recruiters, marketers, salespeople, devops, or sysadmins.

The only category where the number of candidates increased was Leadership, i.e. Team Leads, Architects, and C-level positions.

As a reminder, in the first quarter of 2024, the labor market pleased job seekers with record hiring, reduced competition, and an increase in the number of vacancies.

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Ігор Шелудченко