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Microsoft has launched a beta version of Copilot on Telegram — up to 30 requests per day for free

Катерина Даньшина

Requests for Copilot can be sent directly to the messenger for free, but with restrictions.

Microsoft has launched a beta version of its artificial intelligence chatbot Copilot on Telegram. The bot accessible free for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS versions, but the number of requests is limited up to 30 per day.

When launching a chatbot on Telegram, the Copilot will offer to read the terms of use and privacy declaration, and after agreeing to it, the user will have to verify their phone number.

Currently, Copilot offers advice on travel, recipes, watching movies, listening to music, or even date ideas. For more complex queries, the bot offers to go to the web version or use the iOS or Android apps.

As a reminder, a week earlier, Microsoft announced Copilot+ PC ─ laptops with built-in generative artificial intelligence capabilities, and also introduced two new models of its Surface Laptop and Surface Pro. The corporation also presented An AI assistant for Teams and announced that will implement Copilot in games ─ Minecraft was the first.

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