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Movie trailer «Flight Risk» by Mel Gibson — an airplane, a witness and a killer

Андрій Русанов

Unlike «Boneyard», this thriller showcases Mel Gibson’s directorial talent. Flight Risk fully lives up to its title: a small airplane, an important witness, a murderous pilot, and a woman. You will be able to see what happens in theaters on 10.18.2024.

«Madeline Harris, an air marshal, has been given an urgent assignment. She has to fly an important criminal for interrogation in a small plane across the Arctic desert. No one knows about this mission. At least, it seemed so. The plane is hijacked by a psycho sent by a criminal group, and now Madeline is forced to team up with the prisoner to survive. But can she really trust him?»

The Lionsgate film stars Mark Wahlberg («The Third Man», «Transformers»), Michelle Dockery (TV series «Downton Abbey», «Gentlemen»), Topher Grace («Spider-Man 3: Enemy in the Shadows», «Traffic») and others. The script was written by Jared Rosenberg.

«Flight Risk» is the third collaboration between Gibson and Wahlberg. The first was in the 2017 comedy «Who’s Daddy 2», followed by «Father Stu» in 2022. This will be the first time Wahlberg will be directing under Gibson’s guidance.

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Андрій Русанов