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Music wins: the final boss of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree defeated with a saxophone

Андрій Русанов

Streamers and game enthusiasts often try to surprise players with victories using alternative controllers. Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is particularly interesting in this regard because of its severityalthough it was reduced in the latest patch. The Elden Ring expansion is already were passed by the power of thoughtsand now we’re going through it with a saxophone.

A streamer with the nickname Dr. Doot, known for his passion for the saxophone, has completed the DLC and the final boss with this musical instrument. As you can see in the video, the weapon of choice for Dr. Doot was an attack shield, specifically the Karian Spiked Shield. The player uses playing the instrument to repel each of Radan’s attacks until he defeats him.

Dr. Duth provided some details on the shield he used to defeat the last boss of Shadow of the Erdtree.He increased the STR of the Karian Spiked Shield, making it heavy, and used Deflect Tear along with the Guard Counter Boost talisman to make the «weapon as powerful as the» tank.

The final boss of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is considered «pumped» even against the background of other DLC content. Kai Senate streamer spent more than 60 hours on itHe was assisted by a psychologist in passing the test.

Source: Insider Gaming

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Андрій Русанов