No interest and up to UAH 480 thousand: «PrivatBank» launches loans for alternative energy

Вадим Карпусь

«PrivatBank» launches a loan program «Energy Sources». It is designed for Ukrainians who plan to install solar and wind power plants. About it reports the bank’s press service.

The program is implemented with the support of the government and the Entrepreneurship Development Fund. Thanks to the «Energy Sources» program, starting from July 20, every Ukrainian will be able to take out a loan from the bank to purchase alternative energy sources. In turn, the government will fully compensate the interest rate.

Such an interest-free loan can be obtained by «PrivatBank» clients – individuals – for the purchase and installation of solar or wind hybrid energy supply systems (up to 10 kW) for their own residential house or cottage with a total area of no more than 250 square meters.

«PrivatBank» within the framework of the «Energy Sources» program provides loans without collateral for a period of 1 to 5 years. The loan amount ranges from UAH 100 thousand to UAH 480 thousand, with an advance payment of — 10% of the cost of the equipment.

You can apply for a preferential loan from «PrivatBank» from July 20, 2024 on the bank’s website — section «Credits», program «Energy Sources» — and apply using the loan calculator, indicating the total cost of purchasing a hybrid power supply system. The bank will inform you of the preliminary decision on the loan within 2 minutes.

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