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«No need to waste time on TCC». New features have been announced in «Reserve+»

Ігор Шелудченко

The application for registering persons liable for military service «Reserve+» will have new features, including the ability to make requests to other registries, feedback from the Ministry of Defense, and a simplified recruitment process.

This was stated by Oleh Berestovyi, Head of the Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Defense, ininterview for DOU.

According to him, feedback from the Ministry of Defense is to be introduced over the summer. It will also be possible to submit requests and participate in surveys for those liable for military service.

«Then we will add the ability to make requests to other registries. For example, a person will be able to submit a request through the app, such as “I want the Civil Registry Office to pull up the fact that I have three children.” You press the — button and the document about three children is pulled up. And the person can automatically get a deferment if he or she wants. This should be convenient for both the person liable for military service and the state, because there will be no need to waste time at the TCC»,” says Oleh Berestovyi.

We also plan to automate and simplify the recruitment process. The «Volunteer» system currently used by recruiting centers will eventually be integrated into «Reserve+».

«We want to make it possible not just to submit a resume, but to automate the full recruiting cycle; to track and understand statistics. In the first version, a person will be able to submit a resume and receive a response to it with an invitation either to a call or to a recruiting center. The app will then show the status of whether the person has moved on and what the next steps are,” he added.

The Ministry of Defense is also working to ensure that persons liable for military service can sign up for the MTE and pass the commission on their own, without a separate instruction from the MCC. And in the fall, they plan to add functionality to «Reserve+» to help prepare for service.

«There will be video tutorials, tests, and then certificates. That is, it will be directly in the app, you won’t need to go anywhere else. Subsequent updates will depend on priorities. These will be services not only for those who have not yet served, but also for those who are no longer serving. Accordingly, Reserve+ will have functionality for veterans», — said Oleg Berestovyi.

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