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NVIDIA to introduce 12VHPWR socket for all RTX 5000 graphics cards, no plans for other manufacturers — Moore’s Law Is Dead

Андрей Русанов

According to the sources of the Youtube channel Moore’s Law Is Dead NVIDIA plans to use a new 16-pin power connector on all Blackwell graphics cards. This is the same connector that powers older NVIDIA RTX 4000 desktop graphics cards. The first version of the connector had problems due to melting connectors and video card failure.

According to the video blogger, NVIDIA will actually require everyone to use a 16-pin connector on video cards from RTX 5060 or even lower. In the current line of Lovelace graphics cards, its younger representatives do not use this connector, and this applies even to some RTX 4070 models.

The connector is being prepared for standardization in time for the release of next-generation graphics cards later this year «on anything with an NVIDIA sticker». The channel anticipates a third revision of the connector before the release of new graphics cards. The use of a single standard will allow NVIDIA to save on components and PCB design. Also, users of the company’s graphics cards will be able to forget about the need for 6-pin or 8-pin connectors on the power supply.

However, the main strategic goal of NVIDIA, according to the author of the video, is to have the freedom to use higher-powered graphics cards in the future.

«There is no reason to really standardize this high-power 16-pin connector unless you know that you can someday produce standard enthusiast products with around 600W».

AMD is alleged to have said that they considered moving to 12VHPWR, but decided that it was an unnecessary new standard with little to no benefit, and that as far as the source knows, nothing has changed in this regard. Intel allegedly «never heard any discussion about using 12VHPWR».

In other words, AMD and Intel do not plan to use the socket in the near future. To power the most powerful Radeon graphics cards, AMD currently uses up to 3 8-pin connectors.

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