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Obsidian showed Avowed in a 30-minute gameplay demo

Андрій Русанов

Obsidian Entertainment has published a 30-minute overview of its fantasy role-playing game Avowed, of which 25 minutes is a gameplay demonstration. The video reveals in detail the gameplay in the world of Eora, created by the authors of Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and The Outer Worlds.

Among the most interesting things is the ability to play from the first or third person. They also showed conversations with several NPCs. Game director Kerry Patel told how the environment will change when night replaces day in Avowed, as well as how NPCs will react to the player’s character.

In Avowed, a set of skills will be available that determine the style of battles and the game in general. We demonstrated two different ways to go through situations, with a fight or through stealth. Sometimes fighting can make important characters angry and block certain dialog options and rewards.A stealthy attempt with the player’s special skill leads to the fact that the same NPC allows you to calmly leave with what he came for. The character has several main characteristics:

  • Strength — increases combat damage and weight
  • Constitution — increases health, resistance to poison and bleeding
  • Agility — increases attack and speed of action
  • Perception, — increases the chance of a critical hit and maximum range
  • Intelligence — increases essence (mana equivalent) and resistance to the elements
  • Determination — increases the endurance and recharge rate of Second Breath, a mechanic that
  • restores a little health when an enemy attack could be fatal

There are four skill trees available: «Warrior», «Ranger», «Wizard», «Godlike», as well as a partner ability tree. The God-like tree was not shown, but it is likely centered around some unique character traits.

Although the pace of the game seems to be slow, this is partly due to the demo and immersing the viewer in the Avowed atmosphere. Compared to what the game’s creators demonstrated in January, the combat process has improved, with a lot of equipment added to it. The player has a camp where he can upgrade his equipment, communicate with group members, and take a break.

The enemies have «scream radius», meaning that you can run away from one enemy if it is far enough away from your friends. Blue and orange mushrooms, in particular, turned out to be interesting enemies. These strange creatures group together, with some able to attack from a distance and others using melee attacks.

After the event, Obsidian published and then removed the game’s release date — November 12, 2024. However, now this date is nowhere to be found: perhaps the company did not agree on the release date, or they are not in time.

Sources: IGN, PC Gamer

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