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OpenAI claims Russia’s use of AI in large-scale disinformation campaign

Ігор Шелудченко

The Russian campaign Doppelganger used artificial intelligence from OpenAI to create anti-Ukrainian comments on the social network X.

About it says in The New York Times, which refers to the OpenAI report.

OpenAI has uncovered covert influence campaigns involving government agencies and private companies in Russia, China, Iran, and Israel.

In particular, we are talking about five online campaigns. During them, AI generated manipulative comments to influence public opinion around the world.

Doppelganger is an influence operation aimed at stopping international partners from supporting Ukraine. According to Meta, this is the largest Russian disinformation campaign since 2017.

The operations used OpenAI technology to:

  • creating posts on social networks,
  • translation and editing of articles,
  • writing headlines
  • debugging computer programs.

Social media researchers noted that this is the first time a major AI company has reported the use of its technology for malicious purposes.

In its report, OpenAI said that its tools were used in influence campaigns that researchers have been tracking for years, including a Russian campaign called Doppelganger and a Chinese campaign called Spamouflage.

The Doppelganger campaign used OpenAI’s technology to create anti-Ukrainian comments that were posted on the X platform in English, French, German, Italian, and Polish.

OpenAI tools were also used to translate and edit articles that supported Russia in the war in Ukraine, as well as to convert anti-Ukrainian material into Facebook posts.

As part of this work, OpenAI tools were also used to debug computer code that was apparently designed to automatically publish information in the Telegram.

Nevertheless, OpenAI emphasizes that although AI can help make campaigns more effective, a stream of convincing disinformation has not been created.

«This shows that some of our biggest fears about AI influence operations and AI-driven disinformation have not yet been realized,» said Jack Stubbs, director of intelligence at Graphika (a social media manipulation company).

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