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PayPal blocked the profits of a sex blogger who earned $90,000 by selling water from her bathtub

Катерина Даньшина

Adult content creator Belle Dolphin bragged in X that she made almost a hundred thousand dollars selling water from her bathtub — but in recent posts she complained that PayPal had blocked her account without warning, so she didn’t receive a cent.

«PayPal closed my account without any warning and took the $90,000 I earned from selling my bath water», — wrote Belle Dolphin.

Eventually, after a post in X, which had garnered almost a hundred thousand views by this point, and appeals from several media outlets (including Business Insider), PayPal canceled the blocking decision.

PayPal’s policy on adult content and products allowed the sale of physical products such as DVDs or magazines (or cans of water), but only for transactions within the United States (Dolphin is based in the UK).

At the same time, a year ago, the payment system’s rules allowed for a fine of $2500 for each product in violation — that is, every $11 can of water from the blogger’s bathtub falls under this definition and could have caused the funds to be blocked.

Source: The Verge, Business Insider

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