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«Shot himself in the foot»: which billionaires Elon Musk clashed with in 2024

Андрій Русанов

«Did I shoot myself in the leg several times? Yes. … I think I shouldn’t tweet after 3:00 a.m.,» Elon Musk said about his habit of abrupt social media posts in interview BBC in April 2023. The controversial billionaire is aware of his tendency to speak out, which sometimes leads to controversy. The history of Musk’s verbal attacks is much longer, but here are the billionaires he «fought» in 2024.

Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman of Meta ($181 billion)

This year, Elon Musk returned to the idea of a duel between him and Zuckerberg. In fact, last year, both sides refused to do so for various reasons.

«If only Zuckerberg were so cool (sigh). I offered to fight him anywhere, anytime, by any rules, but all I hear is crickets»,” Musk wrote on May 15.

Mark Zuckerberg did not comment on the attack.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI ($2 billion)

Altman co-founded OpenAI with Musk in 2015. But differences of opinion on how OpenAI should develop drove a wedge between them. In February Musk has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Altman accusing it of violating the project’s non-profit mission by partnering with Microsoft. But then he withdrew the lawsuit, promising tell More on that later.

Altman has remained polite when responding publicly to Musk’s allegations. In March, the OpenAI executive said on Lex Friedman’s podcast that he found Musk’s lawsuit embarrassing and expected Musk to have «more sympathy» for OpenAI’s ambitions.

«Not so long ago, Elon was talking crazy about launching rockets when people laughed at the idea, so I think he would have more sympathy for that», — said Altman to Friedman.

Mark Cuban, star of the business reality show «Shark Tank» ($7.46 billion)

Cuban argued with Musk on many topics, ranging from differing views on corporate diversity, equity, and inclusion to differing opinions on President Biden.

«Mark Cuban is desperately trying to demonstrate his «virtue», but his hypocrisy does not convince anyone», — wrote Musk in January.

Once Musk calledCuban «racist» in post X for supporting DEI’s corporate initiative with quotas for different social groups. He later deleted the post.

«If Biden was a flesh-eating zombie with 5 seconds to live, where after re-election the Earth would plunge into 1000 years of darkness, I would still vote for him», — Mark Cuban», — wrote Musk.

«I have fun sparring with Elon. He likes to troll, and so do I,» Cuban said. «I have no problems with him».

Mackenzie Scott, ex-wife of Jeff Bezos ($38.6 billion)

In March, Musk criticized Mackenzie Scott for her charity work.

«Super-rich ex-wives who hate their ex-husband» should be included in the list of «Reasons for the death of Western civilization», — Musk wrote on March 6. He later deleted the post.

Melinda Gates, ex-wife of Bill Gates ($13.3 billion)

Musk has a similar attitude toward Melinda Gates, after she endorsed Biden in the upcoming presidential election.

«Perhaps this is the collapse of Western civilization», — wrote Musk on June 20.

Vinod Khosla, OpenAI investor ($7.7 billion)

Unlike the others on this list, venture capitalist Vinod Khosla was the first to get hooked on Musk.

«As they say, if you can’t innovate, sue, and that’s what we have here. The old Elon would have built with us to achieve the same goal», — said The mask went down after Ilona’s lawsuit against OpenAI.

«Vinod doesn’t know what he’s talking about», — Musk replied.

But Khosla wasn’t done there. A few days later, he gave Mask, who often posts and reposts memes, a taste of «his own medicine», and ridiculed xAI.

Elon Musk gives himself recipe what to do, but does not seem to follow it:

«If you’re about to tweet something that might be controversial, save it as a draft and then look at it the next day and decide if you still want to tweet it».

Source: Business Insider

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