Suddenly, «Kateryna» — is coming. Ukraine has launched an app to protect women from «idiots»

Катерина Даньшина

The program with the beautiful name «Kateryna» was created as an opportunity to call a mobile response team in dangerous situations

«We are tired of bevzensBevzen or bevz is a Ukrainian swear word. Same as yolop or dumbass. who are unable to restrain themselves, are aggressive or get wild. That’s why we created «Kateryna». This is a subscription to an app that calls one of 1500 mobile response teams at the touch of a button when you feel in danger. «Kateryna» is always at your side. We will provide you with physical protection or take you to a safe place», — the official website.

What kind of service?

«Kateryna» — is a service that operates on the basis of the security service «Yavir-2000» (a company that has been working with alarms and video surveillance systems for 30 years, protects stationary objects, escorts cargo, provides collection services, etc.) The specialists who will be part of the mobile teams have physical intervention skills, psychological training, fast cars, equipment — and, if necessary, can use a gas canister, rubber baton, traumatic weapons, or simply take you to a safe place.

How and where does he work?

«Kateryna» operates in almost all regions of the country (except for Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and temporarily occupied Crimea), but the largest number of duty groups (282) is in Kyiv regionYou can call a mobile group in any dangerous situation — examples are listed as follows: «a crazy person in a bus», «a bastard near the house», «a jerk in a bar bothering you», «a freak in a park», «a pervert arrives instead of a taxi», etcIn case of danger, users simply press the button in the app until it vibrates — then the operator will receive a geolocation, and the crew will arrive (as promised) in an average of five minutes.If necessary, you can use the «Kateryna» app to call a security guard to accompany your child or a specialist to provide first aid to the elderly.


There are currently three tariff plans available in the app:

  • «Cradle» — one call, 199 UAH per month
  • «Kuma» — three calls, 299 UAH per month
  • «Sister» — ten calls, UAH 799 per month

For an additional fee (50 UAH per month for each device), you can add a child or elderly relatives to your subscription.If all the calls in the tariff are used up, you can order an additional visit — but it will cost 350 UAH.

«We hope that our service will help accelerate the trend toward creating safe environments for people, regardless of the time of day, neighborhood, or appearance. Obviously, our services can be used by anyone, not just women. Anyone can suffer at the hands of aggressive thugs, so «Kateryna» protects them from them,” said Oleksandr Nikoliuk, co-founder of «Kateryna».

The application «Kateryna» is available at the links — for iOS and Android.

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