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Support the fundraising of electronic warfare equipment for the 130th TRO battalion


We remind you that on May 14, we launched a new fundraising and auction as part of our initiative «Retribution auction» – we collect together with The Free People Charitable Foundation on the REB for of the 130th battalion of the TRO.

The purpose of this fee is to 120 000 UAH.
Already collected 69 000 UAH, so there is not much left to raise 51 000 UAH!

One of the combat incidents of the 130th Battalion

One day, a mortar crew of the 130th Brigade was on combat duty in one of the landings near Bakhmut. Suddenly, the soldiers noticed some movement at the 12 o’clock position. They took their assault rifles and gave the command to stop moving and identify themselves.

The troublemaker turned out to be an Armed Forces soldier from a neighboring brigade. He was lightly wounded and was leaving his position and moving to the evacuation point. The soldier said he saw a “heavy 300” in the bushes and asked for help. After pointing out the right spot on the map, the lightly wounded man continued on his way, and our mortar men contacted their commander. Having received a “plus”, three soldiers went to help the wounded.

The three hundredth was on the spot and was really “heavy” – shrapnel wounds to his right side and leg. Our guys gave him first aid, evacuated him to the base, stabilized him and contacted the soldier’s unit. As a result, everything ended well. You can see how it happened in the video filmed by the soldiers themselves.

Auction algorithm

The auction will take place from May 14 to 28. During this period, top up the bank with any amount — the one who throws the most will get the lot.

The lot in this auction is a stamp with the famous message of the “russian warship” to the place where it later ended up, signed by a marine Gribov – The one who actually sent the cruiser Moskva in the direction known to all.

Don’t forget that you can support the collection without participating in the auction. Even a small amount is important and will bring us closer to the goal!

Fee details

Monobank: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/8AzzjBvT2

Bank card: 5375 4112 1324 2154



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