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TCC fines in «Actions» — clarification of the Ministry of Defense for Ukrainians who did not update their data by July 17

Вадим Карпусь

On July 16, the deadline allocated by MPs for citizens liable for military service to update their military registration data expired. So, now those citizens who have not updated their data in the CMC will receive fines. You can find out about them in the Diia app. This was reported by the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Dmytro Lazutkin on Radio Liberty.

According to him, fines will not be automatically imposed on all persons liable for military service who did not have time or did not want to update their data. Moreover, we should not expect the first fines to appear as early as July 17. Dmytro Lazutkin noted that prosecution for an administrative offense is a certain procedure that can take from three months to a year. And the fine itself will be available “in the same way as a fine for speeding”.

“We are not saying that everyone will be fined automatically. From three months from the date of detection and up to a year from the date of committing an administrative offense, proceedings can be opened. A fine is a certain procedure. It’s not just a matter of ticking off all those who haven’t updated their license yet, and then automatically fining them. There must be protocols and a resolution. Accordingly, people will learn about these fines the same way they learn about speeding tickets, in the same Diia app,” Lazutkin assured.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense reminded that starting from July 17, military registration data can still be updated in the TCC and JV and in the Reserve+ application. However, untimely self-updating does not exempt from a fine, as the statutory 60-day period for updating military registration data has expired. the amount of the fine ranges from UAH 17 thousand to UAH 25.5 thousand.

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