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Team Copilot — a new «colleague» in Microsoft Teams who will never say no to help

Катерина Даньшина

Microsoft positioning Team Copilot, as a video meeting facilitator — a specialist (in this case, artificial intelligence) that helps a group of people work together more effectively.

Here are seven key features of Team Copilot that Microsoft believes can make group video calls easier:

Summarizing the meetings

The organizer can invite Team Copilot to summarize the conversations in Microsoft Teams. The assistant will also take notes during the discussion, and any participant can edit or delete them at will.

Action plan

Based on the conversations, Team Copilot can propose a plan for further action — for example, recommending the organization of the next meeting with a certain colleague or team

Time tracking for meeting structure

In discussions, it’s easy to lose track of time by focusing too much on a single issue. Team Copilot, as a meeting facilitator, can make sure that the meeting maintains a structured time for each topic.

Moderating chats

Teams Copilot can communicate with team members in chats to help them achieve specific goals. It can also search for and provide specific chat points on request, search the web on behalf of users, answer questions about the discussion, and more.

View documents

The Copilot Team will be able to review the joint documents and answer questions about them upon request.

Task planning

Team Copilot can also act as a project manager in Planner: create and assign tasks and goals for employees.


And, of course, Team Copilot can serve as a source of advice for users. In the example below, a Microsoft Teams user asks the assistant to read a draft and suggest a new one with his own comments.

Microsoft is not the only company to release a «artificial intelligence counterpart» this month. On Google I/O The search engine giant has introduced «AI Teammate», which, like Team Copilot, can answer questions based on group chat discussions.

Team Copilot is intended for Microsoft 365 users only and will be released in a preview version later in 2024.

Other new features for Teams include real-time transcripts, the ability for organizers to manage who can record meetings, live reactions, noise reduction, «picture-in-picture» for iOS and Android, file sharing during a call, support for slash teams, and more.

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