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The Ministry of Digital Transformation says that e-booking in Diia «takes» — an hour to make a decision and book for 34+ thousand employees per week

Катерина Даньшина

From July 17, on the portal «Дія» electronic booking service was launchedand now the head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation has shared the first results.

In a week, managers booked 34+ thousand employees through the portal, and the decision on each one, according to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, took no more than an hour:

«The service is flying, everything is fast, convenient and transparent, and the decision takes about an hour. Companies submit employee booking applications and receive a response for each employee individually. The service eliminates paperwork and unnecessary bureaucracy», said Mykhailo Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

In total, more than 700 enterprises, institutions and organizations have been recognized as critical in Ukraine, and 800,000 people have been reserved from mobilization (Deputy Economy Minister Vitaliy Kindrativ said last week that about 1.2 million people can be booked to meet military needs).

Diya has also already recorded refusals to book, but the percentage is small, said Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of Electronic Services at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Valeria Tkach:

«Mostly, it is an employee or already booked, for example, who wanted to be booked again. Or the person is not found in the register of persons liable for military service, or the person is not in an employment relationship».

At the same time, companies complained that in some cases the system incorrectly displays data (mainly problems with the display of the critical status of the enterprise or reports of incorrect numbers of persons liable for military service and reservists).

The rest generally speak of positive experience, for example, CEO «Nebula Digital» Vadym Yanchuk said dev.uathat booked five employees in 10 minutes.

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