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«The Winds of Winter» Close: George Martin hints at the end of the book

Андрій Русанов

George Martin, author of the «A Song of Ice and Fire» novels: shared new information about the new novel in the series, «The Winds of Winter». When it is completed — we will learn about it not by hearsay, but from a «big announcement».

On his blog, which is called Not a Blog George Martin shared the news that he will soon meet with his British publishers. But, he warned, this does not mean that the novel is over.

«Last year, when I mentioned that I had seen my editor from «Voyager» in London, the internet went crazy with all sorts of theories about how this meant that «Winds of Winter» was completed and there would be a huge announcement. Uh… sorry, but no… It’s not like that,” Martin writes.

Below he adds: «This does NOT mean there is some big announcement coming. In fact, it doesn’t mean anything… other than a desire to touch base, catch up, renew old contacts or make new ones… and Enjoy the delicious food. Please calm down, when «Winds of Winter» is finished, without a word leaking out, there will be a big announcement… where and when I cannot say».

Martin has unveiled a set of new covers for «A Game of Thrones» and the entire «A Song of Ice and Fire» book series. The five books are available in a boxed set and will be sold online and in stores from October 2024.

The author also talked about the play «Game of Thrones», which is to be performed in London next year, which will be another prequel to the events of the main novels and TV series. Initially, it was called «Harenhal», but now Martin is leaning towards the name «Iron Throne».

The novel «The Winds of Winter» is 10 years late and seems to be progressing slowly. In November 2023 Martin said he had written 1,100 pages of the long-awaited book — the same as a year earlier.

Sources: GamesRadar, IGN

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