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Todd Howard: there will be no remakes of Fallout and Fallout 2 from Bethesda, they decided to take their time with the new part «»

Андрій Русанов

Bethesda CEO Todd Howard has bad news for fans who want remakes of Fallout and Fallout 2. According to his interview, bringing old games back to life is not what the company is going to do.

Despite the fact that the first and second Fallout installments are still considered to be among the best RPGs of all time, the outdated graphics and controls are a problem for many. Previously, after the release of Fallout 3, and now, after the success of the Fallout seriesMany people are thinking about remakes of classic games from the 1990s. The head of Bethesda Game Studios says that it is not worth hoping for yet.

In an interview with MrMattyPlays, Howard was asked whether Bethesda has considered modernizing the first two Fallout games to make them more user-friendly for newcomers. In fact, he answered that remakes of Fallout 1 and 2 are not «on the table» in the studio right now. Howard says that Bethesda will only support the ability to play both games on PC. According to him, the company’s priorities «are not in this area»

Todd Howard defends Bethesda’s decision to leave the challenging Interplay Fallout games intact, saying that «part of the charm of games from that era» is their «old-schoolness». Also, Bethesda has no interest in the idea of porting Fallout 1 and 2 to consoles.

«Anything is possible, but it’s going to be a long process for developers and you have to ask yourself, what do we want to spend time on right now, is this best played the way it was on PC? If you ask me, I think the best way to play it on PC is with a mouse and keyboard, the way it was,» Howard says.

Todd Howard also spoke about the prospects of a new Fallout game given the popularity of the franchise. There is no good news here either, Bethesda decided to «not rush».

«In terms of other Fallout games in the future, I certainly can’t talk about them right now, I guess I should say that we’re rushing through them, or that we need to get things that are different from the work we’re doing in 76, you know… But we don’t feel like we need to rush through it. Right now, the Fallout TV show is kind of niche in terms of the franchise and the story. I do feel the desire for a new type of main game, but it takes time. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for people to be homesick as well. We just want to get it right and make sure that everything we do in the franchise, whether it’s Elder Scrolls or Fallout or now Starfield, is a meaningful moment for everyone who loves those franchises as much as we do».

Given that this is coming from the head of a studio that sometimes has more than 10 years between installments of its main franchises, jokes about «living to see a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout» — are not so much of a joke. At one time, Todd Howard said that the sixth installment of the Elder Scrolls would probably be the last game of the series under his management.


Sources: GameRant, Insider Gaming

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