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Two months in Nintendo Splatoon after servers shut down — fan blogs on X Twitter

Андрій Русанов

The shooter Splatoon was supposed to «die» quickly after Nintendo shut down the 3DS and Wii U servers on April 8. But one persistent player managed to play Splatoon much longer. User Lcd101, the self-proclaimed «last Splatoon 1» player, has been on the non-functional server for over two months.

Lcd101 posts updates in X Twitter. The post from June 10 marks «63 days on the Nintendo network» with a reminder that «today» ten years ago Splatoon was officially introduced to the world at E3 2014.

While Lcd101 is basking in nostalgia, Nintendo seems to have taken on Splatoon 2, the 2017 third-person shooter for Switch. The developer reports that Splatoon 2 has lost access to the integration of the friends list from social networks. In addition, players will no longer be able to post directly to Twitter or Facebook with Splatoon 3.

Fans have begun to lament the fact that «Splatoon 2 is slowly dying» as players flock to Splatoon 3, which is due out in 2022.

Source: GamesRadar

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