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Up to +65°C in the sun. Urbanists have identified the «hottest» places in Kyiv

Вадим Карпусь

Ukraine has been hit by an atypical summer heat wave, which is why temperature records are being updated almost daily. July 11-12, 2024 records were set in a number of areasand this trend continued over the weekend.

Pros data According to the observations of the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, two temperature records were set in Kyiv on July 13. The maximum air temperature reached 35.4°C, which is 1.3°C higher than the previous record in 1936. The average daily air temperature was 29.0°C, which exceeded the previous record of 1951 by 0.7°C, and the climatic norm by 8.3°C.

More to come. On July 14, meteorologists recorded three temperature records in Kyiv. The minimum air temperature in the capital did not fall below 22.7°C on that day. The previous record set in 1951 was exceeded by 1.6°C. The maximum air temperature reached 35.9°C, which is 2.7°C higher than the previous record high in 1951. The average daily air temperature was a record 29.2°C, exceeding the previous record of 1951 by 1.8°C, and the climatic norm by 8.2°C. In total, ten temperature records have been set since the beginning of the month.

In the open sun, however, various surfaces heat up to much higher temperatures. Community «Urban studies» took temperature measurements surfaces in various public spaces of the capital and demonstrated the results of the research. The measurements were made with a Benetech GM321 infrared pyrometer.

Thus, the paving slabs heat up to +37°C in the shade and up to +57°C in the open sun. The asphalt surface of roads and sidewalks warms up to +55°C. But the worst situation is with painted wooden benches, which are hotter than +65°C in the sun. Benches in the shade show an ambient temperature of about +35-36°C. Green lawns provide the greatest «coolness» under such conditions ─ +27°C in the shade and +37-38°C in the open sun.

Apartments on the upper floors of high-rise buildings turn into branches of saunas and ovens in such conditions. A household thermometer reads +33.3°C on July 14 in the evening. This result is observed on the 9th floor, which is not protected by trees, on the west side of the building with the blinds closed. The blackouts are caused by oil in the frying pan, which does not allow the air in the apartment to cool.

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