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Updated «Defense of Ukraine» — students of grades 10-11 will take a course in drone control

Катерина Даньшина

Meanwhile, a new specialty — «civilian drone operator» will be introduced in vocational education institutions.

Starting in September 2024, high school students in Ukrainian schools will be taught an updated course «Defense of Ukraine», which will consist of 6 modules and include the following studies:

  • premedical training in combat with elements of tactical medicine;
  • military technologies: UAV control skills, radio communications, etc;
  • weapons and military equipment, and marksmanship training;
  • terrain orientation and engineering fortification;
  • communication and interaction in combat;
  • Forms and methods of information warfare: propaganda, disinformation, cyberattacks, psychological operations, information operations;
  • civilian safety of the population: skills of behavior in emergency situations, development of a survival plan, etc.
Photo: defenceforukraine.com.ua

According to by text Under the updated program, boys and girls will study together, and the division into groups will not be based on gender, but on specific skills.

«We have thrown out of the educational program everything that was included in it under the Soviet approach. The task of the discipline «Defense of Ukraine» is to give a young citizen a conscious understanding of why it is necessary to defend the state, why it is beneficial to him personally, why the state is an important tool for achieving his personal success and security. And then — the skills of how exactly he can defend it,» said Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Oksen Lisovyi in a May interview with Hromadske.ua.

Ukrainian organizations involved in military affairs helped develop the program: in particular, the military school «Boryviter», the Victory Drones UAV operator training project, and the Solomiansky Kotyky» charity foundation.

Funds for teacher training and the purchase of the necessary equipment (simulators, training drones, medical mannequins, etc.) were allocated in December 2023 for a total of UAH 1.7 billion.

«Our task is not to militarize society, but to form a defense consciousness and a meaningful approach to the importance of this defense. We want to give citizens a calm psychological attitude that war can become a part of our lives, and it is not a catastrophe or tragedy that cannot be resisted. On the contrary: we are able to defend ourselves and find different roles for ourselves: both in the context of the army and in the context of civilian actions,» Lisovyi added.

It is noted that training will be conducted in special centers equipped with mannequins and equipment. In total, about a thousand such centers will be opened in Ukraine — one center will serve 5-10 schools (similar ones are already operating in Lviv and Kyiv region, according to the LB.ua).

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