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Vinnytsia developers have created an autonomous FPV swarm that destroys targets without operator intervention

Ігор Шелудченко

One of the Vinnytsia-based FPV development teams has created an autonomous flight board and a special app.

This allowed five drones to take to the skies simultaneously. The swarm is fully autonomous and can destroy targets without operator intervention after takeoff, tells us local edition «20 minutes».

The developers, Andriy Turko and Ivan Olishevsky, faced a problem: it is now much easier to get a drone for a unit than to learn how to fly it. Because of this, many UAVs fail to fulfill their missions, crashing or getting lost on the way to the target.

The developers have created an autonomous flight board and a mobile application specifically for this task. The board is additionally installed on the FPV, and the drone receives commands to execute through the app.

«But the main thing here is that with the help of our board and app, you can send many drones to a task at the same time. We are talking about a swarm of drones. At the training ground, we simultaneously launched five drones. All of them had their own tasks prescribed in the app. With the help of a neural network, our drones know everything about each other, so they can communicate with each other and transmit information,” said developer Ivan Olishevsky.

FPV swarm mobile application

  • In the app, you can choose the number of drones that will fly to perform the task.
  • Before departure, each of them is assigned a mission. To do this, a detailed route is laid out on an electronic map: the flight to the target and the return trip.
  • If necessary, the points of ammunition discharge are indicated.

FPV swarms will be available for selection:

  • the sequence in which the drones will fly;
  • their height;
  • speed and swarm building.

«Humans need to intervene only when they want to change the route or other flight details in real time. Otherwise — drones are autonomous. This means that drones don’t need a connection to fly, only a secure GPS», — Ivan says.

The developers have already received an order for five FPV drones for one of the units and will soon send them to the front line.

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