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The General Staff plans to widely introduce AI on the battlefield: this will offset the numerical advantage of the Russians

Ігор Шелудченко

The Armed Forces of Ukraine aim to widely introduce artificial intelligence on the battlefield to compensate for the enemy’s numerical superiority.

About reported Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Andriy Lebedenko.

«One of the main areas of work of the General Staff is innovation. Large-scale activities have been launched. And these are not just words, but facts proved by action and results», — he emphasized.

The colonel noted that in order to move from the number of unmanned systems to a new level of quality, the defense forces need to establish the use of machine vision, and «swing» to artificial intelligence.

According to Lebedenko, the Ukrainian army is working extensively with domestic manufacturers and partner countries that provide the necessary technologies.

«We are working to make the products of our partnership more widespread, to bring a new level of quality. Our goal is to use artificial intelligence on the battlefield,» he emphasized.

On May 18, the Law entered into force updated Law on mobilization — from this day on, all men aged 18-60 must update their account information within 60 days (until July 16 inclusive).

In Ukraine, as of May 10, slightly less than 4,050 IT specialists have a valid reservation. In addition to the 4,050 IT professionals, about 1,300 are still waiting for a decision (this number includes those who have applied for re-booking).

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