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Movie review «Deadpool & Wolverine»

Денис Федорук

On July 25, a comedy superhero action movie was released in cinemas «Deadpool & Wolverine», which, after a long break, returns to the screens not only a talkative mercenary for whom it is a feat to shut up, but also the iconic character from the X-Men team, played by Hugh Jackman. In the review below, we tell you how these two interact on screen and whether the novelty will become a lifesaver for Marvel.

«Deadpool & Wolverine»

Genre comedy superhero action
Director Sean Levy
Starring Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Emma Corrine, Matthew Macfadyen, Morena Baccarin
Premiere movie theaters
Year of issue 2024
Website IMDb

As it turns out, Wade Wilson, better known as Deadpool, used Cable’s device to end up on Earth-616 with the hope of joining the Avengers. But, first of all, we’ve already seen one of them in this team clown in the person of someone like Jeffrey Lebowski, and secondly, the victim failed to convince the stern Happy Hogan of his competence at the interview.

So the disappointed world traveler abandons the Deadpool costume and sets out to live the ordinary life of a used car salesman. Given the plot of the movie, it’s surprising that the local parking lot didn’t have any Bumblebee, but looking ahead, there will still be plenty of room for surprises.

The poor guy would have continued to wear his ugly wig, if, for some reason, he hadn’t been disturbed by Mr. Paradox, the Time Change Management agent known to us from the TV series «Loki». He says that he will be able to arrange a warm place for Deadpool in the Avengers, but at the same time warns that his home world is facing imminent destruction, provoked by the death of Wolverine. So the protagonist decides to retrieve another Wolverine from somewhere and thus restore the balance necessary to preserve the timeline.It seems that three paragraphs devoted to describing the plot is too much for a movie where there is no sane plot at all. In the case of «Deadpool & Wolverine», its authors are trying to pull off something similar to what the writers did of «Spider-Man: No Way Home» (2021). It seems that fan service for the sake of fan service, playing on nostalgic feelings, etc. — is the only trump card left up the sleeve of Marvel bosses, not in front of Gambit.

Plus, in this particular case — Deadpool’s trademark self-irony, greasy jokes, blood, euphemisms, setting «Mad Max» and a miracle dog in contrast to the cats in recent novelties rental.

But this is not going to get you very far, especially for the third time. In the context of the plot, the film is a completely unconvincing narrative mess, offering problems sucked out of the finger, yet another villain with dubious motivation, literally digging up characters from the distant past. In general, the film is the same light-hearted idiocy that has already been overdone.

«Deadpool & Wolverine» — movie is very obvious in terms of its target audience. This content is exclusively for fans of CGI and (movie) comics in general, not the younger generation, but the viewers who saw the unpredictable beast — superhero blockbusters of the noughties on the posters.

These were the days when there were no movie universes and the genre itself did not stand as firmly on its feet as it would later. When Ben Affleck was kicking ass in a mask with Daredevil ears, not Batman, and the same Reynolds was helplessly flitting between Hannibal King, the non-canonical Deadpool and, later, — Green Lantern.

To see all the references and understand all the jokes and situations, you have to be very «in the» game, and director Shawn Levy is clearly cheated, when he said that this item was optional. The film is primarily made for the fanbase, and a casual guest at this themed party with appropriate old-school music has nothing to do (the local tracklist includes Avril Lavigne, Green Day, NSYNC, Madonna). Even if it’s only thanks to one of the dialogues that we remember that the local star — is really party king. However, despite the numerous and justified criticisms of the plot, characters, or over-the-top fanservice, «Deadpool & Wolverine» does its main function — this nonsense is entertaining. It’s good entertainment. The movie is so-so, but the entertainment itself is good. Even if it is unpretentious and guided by an outright crunch. The main thing is that it gives you a life-saving escapism. For this, the movie can be forgiven a lot, especially in the current situation and given the last blockbusters under the direction of Kevin Feige.

In terms of style and genre, this is a kind of superhero buddy movie with genre-specific partners whose interaction is based on the appropriate opposition of characters. Deadpool is a cheerful and silly talker, while Wolverine is a gloomy and silent alcoholic with a lot of guilt in his heart.

Globally, it’s a big metaphor for Deadpool and the X-Men’s symbolic farewell to 20th Century Fox, their entry into the CWM, flirting with the studio’s likely improvement in connection with this event, and also a nostalgic remembrance of a long-forgotten past.

The latter is that the creators were not too lazy to pull out characters from the Marvel vaults that few people would remember today. And this is where the movie is most surprising. Again, it does this with fanservice, not with any exciting twists. Nowadays, this is a huge problem for the genre.

So, no matter how fervently Deadpool proclaimed himself the messiah of the Marvel universe, no miracle happened. As a one-time thing just for fun — is quite acceptable. As a lifeline for the entire Marvel machine or something like that — don’t make me laugh.

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