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Chris Hemsworth says he’s annoyed by «unjustified criticism» of Marvel: «Tell that to the billions who watch their movies»

Катерина Даньшина

Martin Scorsese has repeatedly criticized Marvel, comparing the studio’s films to «amusement park rides» and classifying them as «dangerous» to culture — The director’s accusations were answered by actor Chris Hemsworth, known for his role as Thor in the MCU.

The actor said in an interview The Sunday TimesHe is annoyed by «unwarranted and cruel» criticism of the studio, especially from such respected artists:

«They also had movies that didn’t work — we all have them. When someone says there’s something wrong with superhero movies, I think — cool, tell that to the billions who watch them. Are they all wrong?».

The once-reliable Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has recently weakened its position — 2023 was marked by only one successful launch («Guardians of the Galaxy 3»), while the rest of the titles broke records for unpopularity (the movie «Marvel» secured the title of the MCU movie with the worst box office in history). Disney recently announced that Marvel will release «only 2-3 films per year»to overcome superhero fatigue.

Hemsworth is known for his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and in the near future, the actor will be seen in the movie «Furiosa: Mad Max. Saga» — in the Ukrainian movie starts in theaters on May 23. Chris played the warlord Dementus, and in a new interview, he said that he was extremely happy to get a role in the franchise that has always inspired him.

«I felt stuck in what I was doing. I was lacking creativity, and Furiosa restored my artistic energy that had been dormant».

Earlier, the actor said that he is to blame for the failure of the movie «Thor: Love and Thunder» and claimed that «looked like a parody of» there.

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