News Devices 06-21-2024 at 17:13 comment views icon

Australia tests mobile laser capable of hitting UAVs at speeds up to 100 km/h

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Vadym Karpus

News writer

Australia has tested its first laser weapon capable of shooting down drones with high accuracy. The tests took place in May at an army training ground.

According to the Australian Defense Force (ADF), the Fractl portable high-energy laser can track objects the size of a dime moving at a distance of 1 km at a speed of 100 km/h. The system has enough power to burn through steel. Fractl was considered the world’s most powerful portable high-energy laser.

В Австралії випробували мобільний лазер, здатний уражати БПЛА зі швидкістю до 100 км/год

This laser weapon is a key part of the ADF’s efforts to develop its arsenal of counter-unmanned aerial vehicles. The compact system, which is about the size of a suitcase, was developed by Melbourne-based AIM Defense. The company claims that its Fractl laser uses the world’s most advanced tracking and optics system to ensure the accuracy of UAVs. The laser beam can target critical drone components such as the rotor, wiring, and camera.

В Австралії випробували мобільний лазер, здатний уражати БПЛА зі швидкістю до 100 км/год

«You press a button to track the drone and the computer takes over, then you press another button to «pull the trigger» like in a video game», — said Cpl. Patrick Flanagan of the ADF.

Using the index finger, the operator can quickly switch the sight between drone components. It takes a few seconds to disable the camera, and 2-3 seconds to disable the rotor.

В Австралії випробували мобільний лазер, здатний уражати БПЛА зі швидкістю до 100 км/год

The system is designed to integrate into existing structures. Fractl is easy to deploy and offers battery and AC power options. The complete ready-to-use unit weighs 50 kg, making it portable and easy to use in a variety of work scenarios. AIM claims that the size and weight of the Fractl is one-tenth of the size and weight of other laser systems available on the market. It is also noted that it is one of the most cost-effective solutions for drone defense.

Source: interestingengineering

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