News News 05-22-2024 at 14:19 comment views icon

Fundraising for electronic warfare equipment for the 130th TRO battalion continues

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Fundraising for electronic warfare equipment for the 130th TRO battalion continues

On May 14, we launched a new fundraising and auction as part of our initiative «Retribution auction» – we collect together with The Free People Charitable Foundation on the REB for of the 130th battalion of the TRO.

The purpose of this fee is to 120 000 UAH.

Fundraising for electronic warfare equipment for the 130th TRO battalion continues

The combat path of the 130th TRO Battalion

The 130th Battalion of the 241st Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began their combat journey on February 24, 2022, with the defense of the capital, in particular Kyiv «Kyiv» Airport. Two weeks later, they took part in the battles for Irpin, held positions, conducted reconnaissance, helped evacuate civilians, and provided medical assistance. In April last year, they went to defend the Kharkiv region. Northern Saltovka, Cherkasy Lozova, Tsirkuny, heavy fighting in Dementiyivka. Behind each name of the settlement is the courage and heroism of the soldiers.

Fundraising for electronic warfare equipment for the 130th TRO battalion continues

In September 2022, they took part in the Kharkiv offensive, liberating Velyki Prokhody, Hoptivka, Alisivka, and Vysoka Yaruga in the Kharkiv region. Later — defense of Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Battles near Bilohorivka. Then — Bakhmut. During the defensive battles in Bakhmut, the soldiers of the 130th battalion inflicted significant losses on the russian occupiers.

Fundraising for electronic warfare equipment for the 130th TRO battalion continues

The soldiers of the 130th battalion of the 241st Separate Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are still destroying the russian occupiers in one of the hottest spots of the front.

Fundraising for electronic warfare equipment for the 130th TRO battalion continues

And here – part of the workflow of the joint operation of the reconnaissance platoon “SEALs” 130 Territorial Defense Battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the SSU’s Central Security Center “A”, which was filmed by the team.

Auction algorithm

The auction will take place from May 14 to 28. During this period, top up the bank with any amount — the one who throws the most will get the lot.

The lot in this auction is a stamp with the famous message of the “russian warship” to the place where it later ended up, signed by a marine Gribov – the one who actually sent the cruiser Moskva in the direction known to all.

Fundraising for electronic warfare equipment for the 130th TRO battalion continues

Don’t forget that you can support the fundraising without participating in the auction. Even a small amount is important and will bring us closer to the goal!

Fee details


Bank card: 5375 4112 1324 2154


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