News News 04-09-2024 at 15:49 comment views icon

March 2024 is the hottest March on record. And this is the 10th consecutive month that has broken temperature records

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

Every month since April 2023 has broken its own temperature records — and March of this year only supported this disappointing statistic, reports is the European Union’s climate change monitoring service.

The average surface air temperature was 14.14°C in March, 0.1°C higher than the previous maximum set in March 2016 and 1.68°C higher than in the pre-industrial period.

Березень 2024 року — найгарячіший в історії спостережень. І це 10-й поспіль місяць, що б'є температурні рекорди
Global monthly air temperature anomalies relative to pre-industrial levels — from January 1940 to March 2024

Overall, from April 2023 to March 2024, the global average temperature was 1.58°C higher than the pre-industrial period of 1850-1900. The Paris Climate Agreement aims to limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C above the pre-industrial average.

«Looking at records like this — month after month — it’s clear that our climate is changing, and it’s changing fast», — says Samantha Burgess, deputy head of monitoring at C3S.

The 12-month period ending in March was also the hottest 12-month period on record — as well as the whole of 2023 (again, based only on the years in which observations were made).

Extreme weather and high temperatures have had negative consequences — particularly in South Africa, where drought has destroyed crops and left millions of people hungry. In Venezuela, a record number of forest fires were recorded in January-March.

Люди стоять у черзі за водою під час посухи. Булавайо, Зімбабве, 7 березня 2024 року. Фото: Reuters
People queue for water during a drought in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, March 7, 2024. Photo: Reuters

The EU’s Climate Change Monitoring Service notes that the main cause of the extreme heat was greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity — and they have only been exacerbated by the El Niño phenomenon, which heats up surface waters in the eastern Pacific.

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