News Ukraine 04-02-2024 at 14:19 comment views icon

The Register of Damages for Ukraine Caused by Russia’s Invasion has been launched in The Hague — application can be submitted via «Diia»

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

The service will be available after the mobile app is updated and will be available on the portal later

«Diia» launched a new service that allows you to apply to the Register of Damage for Ukraine, opened in The Hague. Initially, it is possible to register real estate destroyed or damaged by Russia: a private house, apartment, country or garden house, or other residential premises. Applications are accepted only from property owners and with a special inspection report from local authorities.

In the future, the Register will accept applications for forced displacement, harm to life, health, torture, and sexual violence, as well as complaints on behalf of businesses and the state.

It is noted that the Register of Losses recognized by an international agreement of 43 countries. From 6 to 8 million applications for compensation from Ukrainians can be submitted there — it is about the damage caused by Russia after February 24, 2022 on the entire territory of Ukraine, in particular, on the temporarily occupied territories.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation Arseniy Pushkarenko said that the next step will be to create a compensation commission consisting of international lawyers, who will make decisions on compensation based on the applications recorded in the Register. It will take about a year to set up such a commission.

Payments are planned to be made from the compensation fund, which will be filled with seized Russian assets.

Pros data According to OpenDataBot, in two years, Ukrainian courts have issued 397 decisions on compensation for damage caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation. The number of such cases is steadily increasing: in 2022, there were 44, and in 2023, there were already 262.

The Register of Damages for Ukraine Caused by Russia's Invasion has been launched in The Hague — application can be submitted via «Diia»

In the first three months of 2024, 91 court decisions were added to the register. The majority of them concern penalties in favor of people: 292, and another 105 decisions were made in favor of business. In 2024, at least 487 cases against the aggressor country are already being considered, of which 310 cases were brought by citizens and 177 by business.

В Гаазі запрацював Реєстр збитків для України, завданих вторгненням росії — заяву відсьогодні можна подати через «Дію»

According to preliminary estimates, which leads Forbes, the total cost of rebuilding and recovery in Ukraine as of December 31, 2023, is $486 billion for the next decade. A year ago, these needs were estimated at $411 billion.

The government says that in 2024 alone, Ukraine will need about $15 billion for immediate priority recovery and reconstruction measures.

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