News Auto 05-29-2024 at 16:44 comment views icon

Toyota is developing smaller and more environmentally friendly 1.5 and 2 liter internal combustion engines that will also be used by Subaru and Mazda

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Vadym Karpus

News writer

Toyota is developing smaller and more environmentally friendly 1.5 and 2 liter internal combustion engines that will also be used by Subaru and Mazda

While some automakers are increasingly focusing on electric versions, Toyota continues to develop new versatile internal combustion engines (ICEs). These engines are focused on meeting stricter emissions standards and can be used in a variety of vehicles, from hybrids to biofuels.

At a media event on Tuesday, Toyota and its partners Subaru and Mazda Motor showcased their upcoming 1.5-liter and 2.0-liter engines. These engines boast significantly reduced displacement and height compared to their current counterparts. The new 1.5-liter engine is 10% smaller and lighter than the current 1.5-liter engines used in models such as the Yaris compact. At the same time, the new 2.0-liter turbo engine will achieve a reduction in size and weight compared to the existing 2.4-liter turbo engines found in larger models such as SUVs with three-row seating.

Toyota розробляє компактніші та екологічніші адаптивні ДВЗ об’ємом 1,5 та 2 літра – їх також використовуватимуть Subaru і Mazda

According to Toyota, «with these engines, each of the three companies will seek to optimize integration with motors, batteries, and other electric drives».

The development focuses on meeting strict emission standards while transitioning from fossil fuels to carbon-neutral alternatives such as electric fuels, biofuels, and liquid hydrogen. This change will facilitate the wider adoption of carbon-neutral fuels.

Next-generation engines will play a crucial role in achieving carbon neutrality. Subaru, Toyota, and Mazda are striving to improve engine performance and optimize integration with electric drives. It is noted that these highly efficient and powerful engines will be more compact, allowing for lower hoods, better design and aerodynamics, which will ultimately further improve fuel economy.

Toyota was unable to give a timeframe for when the models equipped with the new series of engines will be available on the market.

Source: interestingengineering

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