News IT business 06-19-2024 at 14:54 comment views icon

Ukraine is the second largest country in Central and Eastern Europe by the number of artificial intelligence companies

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

Roosh Investment Group, AI HOUSE, the largest Ukrainian AI community, and the Ministry of Digital Transformation have researched the Ukrainian AI ecosystem — here are the main points from the report report.

  • Over the past 10 years, the number of AI/ML specialists in Ukraine has increased 5 times and now reaches 5,200 people.
  • The most widespread professions among specialists are Data Scientists and ML Engineers, which account for 63% of all specialists in the industry (these are the areas that offer the highest salaries among all IT specialties in the country).
  • The AI/ML industry in Ukraine is mostly represented by specialists aged 21-25.

Все на ШІ. Україна — друга за кількістю компаній штучного інтелекту серед країн Центральної та Східної Європи

  • The number of IT companies has doubled over the past 10 years, and the number of companies working in the field of artificial intelligence reached 243 in 2023 (they attracted more than $10.8 million in venture capital investments).
  • Since 2019, two Ukrainian AI companies have become unicorns (Grammarly and The three largest startups are valued at over $14.5 billion.
  • In general, Ukraine ranks second in terms of the number of AI companies among Central and Eastern European countries (34 have been registered in the last 4 years alone).
  • Compared to the rest of Europe, Ukraine has a higher concentration of AI startups in marketing, gaming, and business software.

Все на ШІ. Україна — друга за кількістю компаній штучного інтелекту серед країн Центральної та Східної Європи

  • 55% of the offices of Ukrainian AI companies are located in Kyiv, where the largest talent pool is concentrated (47.5%).

55% офісів українських ШІ-компаній знаходяться у Києві, де сконцентровано найбільший пул талантів – 47.5%.

  • Since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the number of defense tech startups using AI solutions has increased significantly.

З початку повномасштабної війни значно збільшилась кількість defense tech стартапів, що використовують ШІ-рішення.


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