News Ukraine 06-05-2024 at 15:58 comment views icon

Can they track everyone? NABU found the suspect’s location via IP on the portal «Diia»

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Law enforcement officers can find the whereabouts of Ukrainians using the Unified Portal of Public Services «Diia». According to «Telegraph»This follows from the text of the High Anti-Corruption Court’s ruling on the case of the group led by former head of the State Property Fund Dmytro Sennichenko.

During the trial, the NABU provided the court with data on tracking the whereabouts of one of the organizers of the scheme to withdraw more than UAH 2 billion from the Odesa Port Plant, Andrii Hmyrin (PERSON_6). It was established that in 2022-2023, he applied to the Consulate of Ukraine in Dubai to obtain copies and make documents, including passports for his children and himself.

«IP addresses used by Hmyryn to log in to the system «Action» are located in the United Arab Emirates, Austria, Italy, Maldives and Turkey, which is confirmed by the case file» — it is said in court decision.

The information was probably obtained from «Actions» as part of criminal proceedings ordered by a court. Gmyryn is a wanted suspect.

An interesting fact is that «Action» can be used to find out the whereabouts of Ukrainian citizens. This becomes relevant due to the ongoing update of data for military registration and criminal liability for systematic evasion of military registration and mobilization.

«Action» does not track the location of users. «Diia» does not have its own database and does not store information about users, but only displays data already stored in state registers», — a representative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation commented on this information to the website


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