News Games 06-16-2024 at 18:30 comment views icon

Cyberpunk 2077 DLC on the Moon — «space» files from the 2021 CD Projekt hack leaked online

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Andrii Rusanov

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Cyberpunk 2077 DLC on the Moon — «space» files from the 2021 CD Projekt hack leaked online

User 4chan shared Cyberpunk 2077 resources that originated from the CD Projekt hack in 2021. The files may indicate cut content or canceled DLC set on the Moon.

The initial post describes the images as being related to the canceled DLC. The lunar expansion was supposed to depict a new corporate war, but off Earth. The author compares its scale to the Witcher 3 expansion pack «Blood and wine». This interpretation, as well as the origin of the images, should be taken critically; the scale of the content, which includes a new map separate from the main one, makes the assumption not so fantastic.

The map’s layout indicates that the moon was supposed to be six square kilometers, or about a quarter of the size of the base game map. The location should have contained areas «NC Base» «HR Settlement» and «Drug Lab». The file names contain the words moon, cosmodrome, bomb_crater, etc. The leak also contains files of various areas and buildings. There are also two images of early versions of Dogtown with Phantom Liberty.

The lunar colonies and the intrigues of corporations there occupy an important place in the history of the Cyberpunk world. Characters Anime «Cyberpunk: Those who run on the edge» and the DLC m seek to escape there, the game’s origins include killing members of the European Space Agency and more. The space theme was discussed in speculations about potential DLC or sequels to Cyberpunk.

However, at the end of last year, CD Projekt Red director Igor Sarzhinsky said that the team never considered creating DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 after the main game was finished, so the lunar location is most likely its cut content.

Sources: PC Gamer, Insider Gaming

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