News Military Tech 07-02-2024 at 15:34 comment views icon

DeepStateMap 2.0 debuts with offline mode and the biggest redesign since the launch of «war map»

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

DeepStateMap 2.0 debuts with offline mode and the biggest redesign since the launch of «war map»

DeepStateMap, one of the most popular and accurate interactive tools for tracking changes in the front lines and the course of military operations, has been updated to version 2.0 with the biggest redesign since the launch of the war map.

The team says they have been working on the update for six months and have chosen a design inspired by the Human Interface Guidelines philosophy and the most thoughtful functionality for the user experience.

What’s new in DeepStateMap?

  • The design of the website and all its elements has been completely updated.
  • New color scheme for the dark version of the site.
  • Offline map mode is activated when there is no Internet connection (however, you should preload area tiles in the settings).
  • Tool «Drawing» for analysts — creating visual diagrams and the ability to share them immediately on social media.
  • New settings menu — change layer backing, filter icons, etc. (weak devices can disable animation on the site to reduce the load).
  • Keyboard shortcut on a PC (to see the full list of available shortcuts — press Ctrl+/).
  • New and more convenient change history, which is activated by clicking on the bell.
  • New weapons — Taurus and naval drones.
  • The center of the map has been added, when you click on it, you can copy the coordinates, including to MGRS.
  • Dozens of bugs that affected performance have been fixed.

The update will be available within a day to all users (if you want to be the first to test reset the cache on the device).

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