News Games 05-10-2024 at 22:35 comment views icon

Good old Bethesda: Fallout 4 will get patch to patch — even more «fixes and improvements»

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Good old Bethesda: Fallout 4 will get patch to patch — even more «fixes and improvements»

Bethesda game patches that break everything are no surprise to fans for a long time. However, the latest «nextgen» patch for Fallout 4 did not bring any significant improvements, but it broke mods, the game on Steam Deck, and caused mostly dissatisfaction.

The situation is worse than ever because of the large number of new players who are not fans of the series or Bethesda games and just came to the game after watching the popular of the Fallout series. The company admitted the failure and announced a patch to the patch. The next update will be released on May 13, but it is difficult to understand what exactly it will include from Bethesda’s message.

«We will be updating Fallout 4 on Monday, May 13, across all platforms. This update will include new graphics and performance settings, as well as additional bug fixes and improvements. Thank you for your continued feedback and support.»

In the comments, players expressed their hope that they would finally see the new content that was not playing correctly.

Fallout 4

Users also hope to see the content from the Creation Club working again, which became unavailable after the patch.

Fallout 4

But the main problem is that modders have already adapted their mods to the patch, and they will have to do it again.

Fallout 4

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