News Movie 06-09-2024 at 16:42 comment views icon

New teaser trailer «Deadpool and Wolverine» — Marvel fans spotted Ladypool and Juggernaut

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

New teaser trailer «Deadpool and Wolverine» — Marvel fans spotted Ladypool and Juggernaut

The newest teaser trailer for the movie «Deadpool and Wolverine», according to fans, contains several big clues related to other Marvel characters. Not that these are very reliable clues, but they have the right to exist.

The one-minute trailer, which was released on International Friendsgiving, demonstrates the relationship between the two main characters of the film. It contains a lot of previously shown footage, but there are also new ones. In particular, fans believe they have spotted Ladypool and Juggernaut.

Ladypool is most easily spotted in a short segment with the legs of someone who seems to be coming out of a portal. Rumors about her have been circulating for some time — she is Deadpool’s female double, Wanda Wilson. Some fans speculate that the mask will be Ryan Reynolds’ real-life wife, Blake Lively.

It is rumored that Juggernaut, who appeared in «X-Men: The Last Stand», will also be in «Deadpool and Wolverine». However, in March, actor Vinnie Jones said that he decided not to participate in the upcoming MCU movie because the role affected his psyche negatively because of the costume.

«Oddly enough, I was just asked to do «Deadpool», the new one now, and I talked to the director and just said it’s such a drama, mentally and physically, to put on that costume. I mean, it also had a negative impact on the psyche, because you can’t do anything in it all day, you can only drink through a straw. That’s why we couldn’t make a deal for «Deadpool».

Still, fans were able to spot Juggernaut, and if it’s not Jones, it’s at least someone who looks like him. «Deadpool and Wolverine» will be released in theaters on July 26.

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