News Software 05-22-2024 at 13:10 comment views icon

Trained on «Xi Jinping’s opinion». China launches new chatbot — with artificial «communist» intelligence

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Kateryna Danshyna

News writer

The large language model was trained on the Chinese leader’s political philosophy known as «Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism», as well as other official literature provided by the Cyberspace Administration of China.

«Expertise and authority of the resource guarantee the professionalism of the content», — the publication says in the announcement of the new LLM, which was reviewed Financial Times.

Currently, the model is used in the research center of the local Internet regulator, but it is planned to be released for widespread use later. The chatbot can reportedly answer questions, generate reports, summarize information, and translate from Chinese to English and vice versa.

More than a dozen books have been published in Xi’s name, and they usually take center stage at book fairs in the country. Popular news apps from companies such as Tencent or NetEase also reserve space at the top of their feeds for articles from official media, in most cases featuring the Chinese leader.

Officials have also required schoolchildren as young as 10 to study Xi Jinping’s political philosophy, and launched the Study Xi Strong Nation app to educate and test the knowledge of China’s nearly 100 million Communist Party members.

Other developers of generative AI chatbots are also required to comply with licensing terms that prescribe «embody core socialist values» in the content. Also, the China Cybersecurity Association (a non-profit organization affiliated with the government) has created a public database with 100 million records of «high quality and reliable data» for training AI models (mainly on government regulations and policy documents, state media reports, and other official publications).

One of the dozens of text documents in the dataset contains 86,314 references to Xi Jinping.

«Let’s unite even more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core», — one of the lines reads.

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