News IT business 06-15-2024 at 16:43 comment views icon

Wells Fargo Bank fired employees for simulating work — they used mouse and keyboard activity simulators

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Andrii Rusanov

News writer

Wells Fargo Bank fired employees for simulating work — they used mouse and keyboard activity simulators

Last month, Wells Fargo Bank fired more than ten employees for simulating work. According to a report sent to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, employees of the wealth management and investment division were «fired after considering allegations related to keyboard simulations that give the impression of active work».

Work simulation devices and software, sometimes known as mouse movers, have gained popularity in the work-from-home era brought on by the COVID pandemic. People have shared tips on how to use them on social media platforms like Reddit and TikTok. Such gadgets are available on Amazon for less than $20. It is not reported whether the employees were simulating at home or in the office.

The financial industry has been one of the most aggressive in bringing employees back to the office when the pandemic receded. However, Wells Fargo gave employees more time than rivals JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs.

In early 2022, Wells Fargo began requiring employees to return to the offices under the «hybrid flexible model». The bank expects most of them to be in the office at least three days a week. Management will be in the office for four days, and many others will return for the full 5 days.

The layoffs are reminiscent of another episode at Wells Fargo a few years ago, when the company investigated a violation of the expense policy by employees who tried to pay for an inappropriate dinner at the company’s expense.

Source: Bloomberg

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