Ukraine News 05-14-2024 at 12:19 comment views icon
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In experimental mode: e-cabinet of persons liable for military service will start working in a couple of days

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

The electronic office of a person liable for military service will be launched on May 18. But so far it is in an experimental mode — because it is «a rather serious engineering work».

About this said Fedir Venislavsky, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, told NV.

The e-office of a person liable for military service will start working from the date the law on mobilization comes into force. But for now, it is an experimental mode.

Testing will take place within 30 days, and then it will start working in full. And there will be adaptation with all databases.

«Any new system needs to be tested in order to ensure maximum security of personal data. And this is a matter of national security. Therefore, during the operation, all the nuances will be clarified and the cabinet will be improved,» he said.

According to the MP, the launch of the full-fledged regime should be expected in June.

Update data abroad

Persons liable for military service who have updated their data abroad will receive a QR code.

«Any citizen of Ukraine will be able to update their personal data. And it will be generated, by the way, already in this test mode… After a citizen of Ukraine who permanently resides or temporarily resides abroad updates his or her personal data (and we are talking about a very limited amount of personal data, namely the place of actual residence, means of communication and relationship to military service), he or she will be able to receive the generated QR code», — Venislavsky said.

The latter will be evidence that the person has updated their data.

Earlier it was reported that the electronic cabinet of persons liable for military service, in accordance with the agreed legal norms, should be launched by June 17.

The electronic account of a conscript, person liable for military service, or reservist is actually created for each person automatically by comparing data from different registers.

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