Ukraine News 05-28-2024 at 16:08 comment views icon
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No alternatives. Cabinet of Ministers confirms work on electronic booking

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Igor Sheludchenko

News writer

The Ministry of Economy confirmed that it is discussing with other agencies the creation of an electronic booking mechanism.

According to the Ministry of Economy, there is no alternative to digitalization.

About it says in the agency’s response to AIN.UA.

«There is no other alternative but to digitalize the booking processes. This will definitely be done. We are now discussing with the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Digital Transformation the principled approaches to how to digitize resolution №76 (рmanages booking issues) or those legal acts that regulate or will regulate the issue of reservations for persons liable for military service,» the Ministry of Economy said.

The agency noted that it is currently discussing the new conditions with business and specialized associations, other government officials, MPs and stakeholders.

«It is obvious that society sees the need for change. A digital solution [for the booking procedure] will appear when we develop new booking regulations that will balance the needs of security and defense, the economy, budget, business, humanitarian sphere, etc.

Three weeks ago was reported that the extract confirming the employee’s booking will be generated electronically in the «Action» application. A QR code will also be generated (by analogy with other QR codes in the application).

Lists for booking are likely to be submitted via «Portal.Diia». Individual entrepreneurs are not subject to booking under the proposed procedure.

The information about the booked persons is already in the registry database «Oberig» and is displayed in the application for persons liable for military service «Reserve+»

As a reminder, the other day the Verkhovna Rada offered an alternative to booking and economic booking — labor conscription of business and IT.

The last time we talked about two possible models of economic mobilization.

  1. The first model — the amount of taxes on the salary of a person liable for military service should be 35 thousand hryvnias, which is enough to support one soldier.
  2. The second model is a quota per enterprise for persons liable for military service.

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