WTF WTF 07-11-2024 at 19:00 comment views icon

Princess Leia’s bikini from «Star Wars» is sold for the price of a one-bedroom apartment in Kyiv

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Ihor Panchenko

News writer

Fans of «Star Wars» have a unique opportunity to purchase the legendary Princess Leia costume. The famous golden bikini worn by Carrie Fisher in the movie «Return of the Jedi» is now for sale at Heritage Auctions.

Бікіні принцеси Леї продають за ціною однокімнатної квартири в Києві

The starting price of the lot is $30,000, but experts predict that it will increase significantly by the end of the auction. This iconic wardrobe item appeared in the sixth episode of the saga when Leia was captured by Jabba the Gutt.

Joe Maddalena, Executive Vice President of Heritage Auctions, emphasizes the importance of this auction: «We are bringing together the most significant cultural artifacts that have never been in one place before. This allows us to assess the impact of science fiction films and TV series on our worldview».

It is worth noting that the Princess Leia — costume is not the only valuable item from the «Star Wars» universe. Last year, the head of the robot C-3PO from «A New Hope» sold for $800,000. And the lost X-Wing from the same movie set a record when it was purchased for $3.135 million.

Бікіні принцеси Леї продають за ціною однокімнатної квартири в Києві
The head of the robot C-3PO

The auction will last for two more weeks, so the price of the bikini may rise significantly. This costume has become a symbol not only of the movie, but also of an entire era in cinema. It embodies the strength and independence of a female character who has become a model for millions of viewers around the world.

Collectors and fans of «Star Wars» are eagerly awaiting the bidding results. Experts believe that this lot may become one of the most expensive movie industry items sold at auction. Heritage Auctions is famous for selling unique pop culture artifacts, and this case will be no exception.

Source: IGN

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